Dealing with the Teething Phase

Everyone deals with pain differently, including your baby. As a parent, it’s hard to deal with the middle of the night crying due to teething. Here are some tips to deal with this phase that all children must face from Family Dentist Pendleton IN.


Is It Teething or Something Else?

Teething symptoms manifest themselves differently in every child. Older toddlers might be able to share their discomfort with you, while others can only cry. Here are some signs they are in distress.

  • Chewing on items like their fingers or a toy.
  • Rubbing their ear on the same side the tooth is coming in.
  • Poor sleep habits that are unusual for the child.
  • Swollen or red gums where the tooth is emerging.
  • A slight increase in temperature.
  • Irritability.
  • Change in eating habits.

If your child has the first four symptoms, it's likely just teething. Flu-like symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea should be checked out by a doctor and aren’t generally related to teething.


Tips for Teething

Teething might start as early as six months and lasts through the age of three. That’s why you need to become a pro at handling this pain for your little one.

It’s critical to avoid any home remedies that the dentist doesn’t approve of. With that said, some great treatments include using cold sliced bananas on the gums, chilled washcloths and soft teethers. It’s also helpful to keep the child occupied with fun activities. At night, massage the gums with a soft, warm cloth before bed.

It’s also allowed to give pain relievers as the dentist advised. Just be sure you use the recommended amount and never exceed the dosage needed. During this time, make sure you continue to provide good oral care to your child. Teaching good oral habits is essential to creating a happy and healthy mouth. Just remember; teething doesn’t last forever.